Studio Time (w/Engineer)
Cancellation Policy
Acceptance of Terms By working with HipStory, you agree to these terms and conditions. Any different or additional terms proposed by the Client are rejected unless approved in writing by HipStory’s president. Booking any of our services, whether for visual or audio media production, signifies your full acceptance of these terms. Changes in Specifications & Cancellation Once a project is confirmed, any changes to the specifications must be approved in writing by HipStory. Additional charges for changes will be billed accordingly. Cancellations must be made at least 48 hours in advance. If you cancel less than 48 hours before your booking, you will be billed for accordingly. Same-day cancellations may incur the full booking fee. Data Storage & Materials Data storage is at the Client’s risk unless otherwise specified in writing. Data will be released upon final payment. Terms of Payment Given the subjective nature of media production, HipStory’s obligation is to record, mix, master, or process your project. Our contractual duty is fulfilled by the act of processing. Delivery of processed files via FTP, web, or physical medium signifies acceptance of the work. Default If you default on payment, or if there are bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings by or against you, HipStory may: (a) suspend work until full payment is received; (b) require advance payment for further work; (c) charge 1.5% interest per month on overdue invoices; and/or (d) recover all collection costs, including attorney’s fees. If your creditworthiness is compromised, HipStory may change your credit terms for ongoing work. Use of Media Unless specified otherwise in writing, you grant HipStory the right to use your media for our marketing purposes. This includes sample reels, internet play systems, and other promotional methods. Remedies If HipStory needs to enforce these terms or collect payment, you agree to cover all related costs, including attorney’s fees and court expenses. Any legal claims will be handled in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, where you submit to the jurisdiction of the courts. Feel free to adjust any specific points to better align with HipStory’s tone and operational specifics.